
Friday 15 July 2016

Keeping on; keeping on...

Well that made a change.

Instead of the usual Friday fieldwork frolics ('Man Friday' help; was off boating anyhow)
It was the annual picnic lunch of assorted academe . Pre Graduation Day prize giving in Bristol.

Monies proffered (not mine!) in memory of late father To "Best Third Year Geologiser"

 (Must check actual prize title; and recipient; more carefully; but something in that ball park. Well done you! Very much so. And keep up the good work.....)

Taking a fairly long view....

Thought it might be a useful chance to extract some insight from someone whom has been involved in 'Earth Sciences' for many a year; and who should have a 'long view' on these things...

My question being....

How do you keep on doing 'the thing'; that seems like the 'right thing' to do; but at the same time often feels like pushing a stone up a hill; or swimming against the tide? 
(Take liberties with choosing; and mixing your metaphors. 
But perhaps don't go swimming with a stone)

In this case; keeping on with small scale 'Eco' farming... With all it's attendant flaws; and contradictions; and exhaustions; and not making much money for all the effort...And the world seemingly goinging quite cheerfully in the direction of consuming more; not less.... All of that and more..
Why keep going?

And of course his answer to this poser; was the same as anyone who has spent their life pursuing an interest by which they feel compelled. Or drawn to; or can't imagine not doing..

You've just got to do your thing... Whatever it is; and it may be multiple things..
It may not be anyone elses thing; you may find it impossible to rationalise; or justify. You know its not going to 'save the world' or save anything... And naturally 'The Thing' and your motivations may well change over time... 

But; if you're lucky; you will find some 'cheerleaders' and supporters.

Although at other times you may feel like you're ploughing a lonely furrow.

There will always be plenty of naysayers; denigrators; why are you bothering with thattters? It is so easy to carp; and criticise... Some folks even turn it into a cheap; if ultimately unfulfilling hobby...

These weren't his exact words; this is my paraphrase... And then followed some fascinating but slightly beyond me talk of crystalline structures in the far North East of Scotshire.. Which I will look up. And will go and see one day..

Someone else put all of above far better...

On living the questions; rather than reaching for the ready made answers...

"The adventure is it's own reward - But it is necessarily dangerous, having both negative and positive possibilities, all of them beyond our control. We are following our own way, not our daddy's or our mothers way.... 

Life can dry up because you're not off on your own adventure."

Joseph Campbell

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