And such tasty delights do keep the spirits up; when there seems more to get done than could feasibly be achieved in the hours available..
There is the saying that 'Work expands to fit the time allowed'...
So perhaps the obverse might be true; restrict the hours allowed; and thereby the work diminishes?
.... I'm more than willing to trial this theory.
But some of the labours; are starting to bear fruit...
Broad bean flowers, need to be visited by pollinators to form pods. These nubile beans can be eaten whole as 'fingerlings' i.e. the size of your little finger; steamed; then served with butter or oil of your choice...
There is a vigorous campaign underway right now; to try to stop further usage of bee killing pesticides...
The idea seems to be gaining ground...But a little more support wouldn't go amiss...
Bees are only one; of a myriad of wee beasties; upon whom; our lives do truly depend.
No pollinators, no food, it really is that simple....
But how to get folks fired up; about looking after these tiny creatures to which many will react with a recoil; or a swat...?
Thankfully momentum does seem to be gathering; there is a commonsense impetus to preserve; these maybe not so immediately appealing creatures....
Paul Taylor; who took these pictures in this locale; does a good job of revealing their jewel - like; if slightly menacing; beauty....
Whilst in the classroom at agricultural college in my early twenties; I tentatively suggested; that using so many pesticides might not be such a good idea. The reaction; to a girl; from a non farming back ground; suggesting such ideas ecological had a predictably laughable reaction .
{insert well worn; sandal wearing; and lentil eating joke here}
By chance at that young age; I had come into contact with several people who were trying to live their ecological beliefs.
These people; by various means; had woken up to the fact that we couldn't really; in the long term; carry on the course; upon which it seemed we were set.
If we put toxins out there; they have to go some where...
It really isn't rocket science..........It is undoubtedly more complex than that...
But at the same time logic tells us that it can't be OK.
I spent one summer in college holidays; working on an organic dairy farm. It was run by a couple who were really sticking their necks out.
They were refusing to use, the then mandatory, organophosphate warble fly dressing on their herd of Jersey cows.
Basically this is a highly toxic nerve agent, that was used as a systemic preventative measure to kill the larvae of these nasty little flies, that burrow under the skin of cattle... Hows that for squirm inducing?
The dressing worked its way through the animals nervous system after being poured along its spine and infused the whole animal with the poison.
Doesn't sound great does it? But at the time, you could be closed down by the ministry of Ag' if you didn't use it.
This Somerset family; who had done careful research into the effects of using this chemical; had experienced all sorts strife for not complying with the regulations.
From threats of having their business shut down; through to personal intimidation..
Moreover; this was in the days before social media could be used to bolster a campaign such as this... A lonely furrow to plough for sure.
Imagine living in relative isolation; trying to get your voice heard amongst the government funded experts; and suffering the approbation of your farming neighbours for being a trouble maker..Whilst at the same time being pretty certain that your concerns had good foundation.
But that was many years ago now... Since then this particular practice is no longer carried out; it deleterious effects on the animal the humans using it and the wider environment having been acknowledged by 'proper scientists'...
Not just by concerned people doing their own research, off their own backs.
To get things moved on; it often does take a few brave souls willing to risk being pilloried; laughed at; ostracised by their colleagues even.
A few years later I re met a few of those mostly farmers sons from college; and some of them quite cheerfully told me about their adventures in converting to organics... Progress indeed...
Farmers who use these chemicals as advised, are not bad people. They are trying to make a living in a globalised food system, where market forces rule.
They are doing what their neighbours do; they are following 'official advice' from important people with research labs...
Labs funded by whom? That's an interesting avenue of enquiry to persue.
If you let the weeds grow and the dandelions flower; in order to sustain the pollinators who will 'serve' your beans to make them fruitful, you risk being seen as a bad land manager; out of control; a trifle lax.
And of course we need to keep things within reasonable bounds in order that we get viable, profit making crops.
There are bills to pay; a life to be lived.
But we also need to give the bugs; and the bigger creatures a modicum of wiggle room. Permission to exist; and permission be part of the whole.
Some creatures are specialists focusing on one particular flower or niche; others are generalists working a range of species.
Not dissimilar to the beetle expert who will spend a lifetime discovering the inner workings of just one creature. In order that other generalists such as us farmers; who need to know some stuff; about a lot of things; can benefit from their specialist knowledge...
There's a place, or role for everyone.
It's impossible; even as environmentally concerned individuals to try fix everything that needs fixing.
It's too overwhelming. But at the same time if we only obsess about the 'organic shampoo' details of our own lives and don't engage and join with the rest of the world in any meaningful way; then it just becomes an angst ridden navel gazing exercise.
The campaign to stop the use of bee ( and other pollinator ) destroying pesticides seems like the commonest of sense...
Even if the thought of 'low life' bugs leaves you cold; or even squirming.
It would seem pragmatic to avoid killing off the very creatures upon which our survival depends...
Quite naturally we want to preserve the mega fauna such as elephants tigers and unicorns.... But without the bug life we are; well and truly buggered.
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Working over time... |
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Are we in danger of seeing the peril too late? Damselfly taking a lunch break... |
How to keep up the energy to do ones bit, without getting burn out?... Being around other like- minded people to keep the spirits up; that helps.
After a few years of being involved in this; that; and the other; actions; projects; and campaigns at both a local and global level; it's all too easy to become cynical and world weary.
Self care has to run alongside earth care...And people; and our attitudes to them are just as important..
It might; on occasion; be better not to get involved at all; if ones 'tired out' approach is going to depress other folks with fresh feet for the march.
There have been several periods over the years when I've felt like it is all hopeless. And that the way; we are carrying on; seems to be leading us to a not very pretty; but inevitably sticky; end.
And this may of course still be the case...
Do we keep going; doggedly trying to make some small difference; because we've started; and it seems defeatist to quit now?
Or give up with a "Sod it; its all hopeless; why bother"
A perfectly reasonable response some might say.
We can vacillate between these positions depending on energy levels and attitude of others around us..
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Mandatory 'Bee on a Bluebell in Devon in May' shot... |
But I did read a piece few weeks back; that gave a fresh perspective on the cause for carrying on.
i.e. Reasons not to give up...
The writer was saying something along the lines of:
Even if we are all doomed; and if this planet does eventually decide; to shake off; its infestation of humans.
Then how about we construct some sociable parachutes to let us fall with some grace..? Local food systems; community networks; in reality; and even on the oft maligned internet, where much in the way of useful information and campaigns are disseminated...
Mutual support systems, so we can descend more gently.
Insurance perhaps; against the time when our madly grandiose; growth without end; globalisation project has to come to an end....
And it has to be a form of collective madness; to assume that we can carry on as we are doing; on a finite planet......
It totally defies all logic; whatever your political, social, or religious belief system.....
However this is not a proposal of 'prepping' style of hoarding of food or building a fortress within which to preserve oneself; and close friends and family...
Defences can be breached; always; by the people with the bigger guns..
This is far more about recognising our interdependence; cultivating an ability to 'share nicely'... skills and knowledge, as well as resources.... Looking out for each other.
And maybe its a pleasanter way to live in the interrim...Whatever the outcome...
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Here's a worthwhile joint effort....This weeks custard; on the first picking of peas...Blessed Muchly... |
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There was once a story going round that Bumble Bees shouldn't be able to fly; given their proportions and wing size....Thankfully no one told them ; So they just kept on flying ... |
So credit again to local friend Paul Taylor; who took these amazing shots; and who shares them widely in order that we can appreciate just what these unsung; and as yet here unnamed beasties do for us....
And if you do deign to engage; with such shudder inducing media; as facebook.
You could do worse than to peruse the pages of these good folk....
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