If you happen to be the kind of chlorophyll crazed loon; who thinks it a perfectly reasonable undertaking to plant out 1600 cabbages by hand...
To avoid unsightly injuries; to a farm maidens hand...
To avoid unsightly injuries; to a farm maidens hand...
A wodge of wadding; inside the glove...Before; the blister starts to form...
Also stainless steel tools; insert into; and thereafter; shed; the earth; most efficiently...
Thus lightening the load infinitesimally with each move...
But....The smallest amount x 1600 adds up to quite a lot...
Thus lightening the load infinitesimally with each move...
But....The smallest amount x 1600 adds up to quite a lot...
And you too; can have the same advice for free as I gave to a chap going by the name Huge Furry Whatsischops; or some such, when he inquired, whilst perusing at a market, as to how I got my sprout buttons so perfect..
"They like it deep and firm Hugh...
Deep and firm..."
Deep and firm..."
The plant stems will send out secondary feeding; and stabilising roots; if they are planted deeply enough.
And the soil needs pressing down with some conviction.
Not patting it round; as if you're putting a kitten in its basket..
And the soil needs pressing down with some conviction.
Not patting it round; as if you're putting a kitten in its basket..
Probs too late to be sending him an invoice for 'consultancy'...
But perhaps next year I'll run a course here entitled... 'Getting your brassicae done right'
I won't charge much for the expert tuition and could even throw in some free camping....
Lovely views...
Book now, to avoid dissapointing, me...
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Low tech but effective tools for the job; string to get them in straight (that really helps with accurate hoeing later) ; stainless steel bladed planting trowel; and padding for inside your glove... |
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