
Saturday, 30 January 2016

Comfort Break.

For those times when you know, you really should take a moment but...."I'll just get this done first"...
Feeling sorry for the folks who are only allowed to buy 'regular' carrots.

Did I tell you about the family who tried one of our veg bags once upon a time?

The feedback was as follows..

"We really liked the veg' but the kids found the carrots.....A bit too carrotty"

As you can imagine I've been tireless in my strivings to drive both the flavour and personality out of them roots ever since.
Can't promise this kind of sculptural beauty for everyone, every week. 

In fact on occasion, perhaps as a consequence of having such deep, root receptive, soil here; there's barely a comedy carrot amongst the 60 or so kilos we dig each week.
Leading to much consternation on the part of the custard creator who helps out with that task, whereat simple, earthy pleasures, are to be had...

Don't imagine that she has been totally idle in the kitchen confectionery department these last few weeks; far from it; but I feel she'd not appreciate me displaying this weeks efforts online. 
Suffice it to say there was some debate as to whether a straw might have been a more appropriate device for consumption....Pretty darn tasty all the same ;)

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