
Friday, 7 April 2023

Getting on with it...


A not inconsiderable bouldery down-climb brought us this photogenic spot, the meteo, lending some extra atmos .

We'd camped in this valley floor a couple of times before, but no dallying here this time.

Well not that much dallying

A delicious home made apple cake was on offer at the refuge, and we'd caught up with Estelle and Orelle, who were busy kit riffling, and planning on cashing extra refreshment from the refuge, whilst sunning themselves on the short turf.

An afternoon break seemed a reasonable proposition.


And a chance to admire the view without at the same time having to watch ones footing. 

A lot of this kind of hiking comprises close examination of where your next step lands rather than spending much time appreciating grand vistas.. 

Or at least it does if you're not as sure footed as some appear to be.

Tiny tiny patches of glacier hang on.
But for how much longer 😟

  And then of course those who have come down.. Must, in this terrain, go back up again. 

The path back up is a pretty civilised, wide switchback. The GR10 I think

Of course, some of our compadres felt it necessary to make it slightly more exciting by taking shortcut scrambles between the main path.

And then again some of us didn't.. 

We did go up to the top of the left hand peakon our first trip..

But maybe this time, we'll skirt just a little to the left, as the afternoon wears on, and thoughts turn to days end..

And potential sit down dinner 😊

More atmospheric posing at the col.

Ooo la !! 

I decide to give it a try also.

Not too bad but I do really need to watch that tendency towards excessive lordosis 

Ah ok, and now down again is it..??

But with the welcome prospect of stopping for the night..

The clouds are starting to look a little more intentional

The highly observant (shelter nerds) among you will have noticed that no, this isn't our tent.

But sturdy pitching advice on tricky ground from an old hand is often welcome, and kept  

Far too modest to call himself an 'expert' of course - that task is left to others.

We (the 'clan' almost by now) decided to treat ourselves to a meal in the refuge nearby, they had space for more diners, and we had space for big dinners.. 

At 2651m Baysellance is one of the, or even the highest staffed refuges in the range. 

Quite a feast.. And it looks like I might have said something - -- 🤔

Meanwhile outside, the clouds rolled in to play.

That night was a proper noisy storm.

And a full on downpour for several hours .

Most of our pitches drained ok, and shelters stood firm. 

Only one camper got unlucky, and woke up almost floating in her own personal Lac d'Estelle. 

Thankfully, the next night promised a campsite and a chance to clean and dry some items.

That morning the Canadians and continentals decided upon a skirmishes up Petit Vignemale..

But having been up before-
- and still.having a good few hours of walking in front of us.

We decided onwards..Yes ok, it was mostly downhill, but that's not exactly effortless in this terrain.. 

Towards town it gets a bit more uppy downy, through the meadows, and I believe the last descent towards Gavarnie found me tiring of hot rocks and downclimbs. 

Very poor form I know to get grumpy on ones holidays especially with the prospect of a cold beer not far off.. 

Gavarnie has a very picturesque riverside campsite just a little way up the river from the main town.
About which some folks can be a little rude, as it perhaps lacks the cachet of other mountain resorts.. 
But then some folks are a bit fussy imo.. 

The prospect of stopping for a couple of nights, cleaning oneself, and ones things was very welcome.
 Simple pleasures such as hot running water, and not having to get up early and pack everything up..
Highly luxurious . 

The next day was spent washing, eating resupplying and napping, and eating again -particularly lots of salad stuff. 
Greenery being a bit lacking in the 'hill diet' .

We loafed about, with even the elevation from the washroom to our pitch seeming like a fairly rigorous climb  
But Estelle, being Estelle decided that a day off must have a bit action in it, so went for a minor skirmish up the famous circque (de Gavarnie) and then, as if that wasn't enough up a nearby peak called Taillion - only 4000 m high 🙄
Upon return, one of my favourite deapan statements from her.

"The wind was so strong up there, I thought I might get blown off the ridge and die -- 

- but I didn't die " 

That was really most excellent news 😊