
Tuesday, 8 June 2021

When I was little ...

 If someone asked that question..

"So what do you want to 'be' when you 'grow up'?

I would always answer 

"A writer"

Early bookworm that I was.

In the intervening years of attempting various other sorts of 'growing up' that ambition got a little sidelined.

But now... 

There's no real excuse.

And anyway, I am a writer..

Look at me writing, right now, this very second. 🙂

I think I often get stuck in that hard place between 'taking it too seriously'

And not taking it seriously enough.

Maybe 'all' that's really required, is for me to stop worrying, and just stay on the natural ridgeline, between those two uncomfortable places.

And to even allow myself the time and space to do it.

Nobody really minds .

And some people enjoy the results.

Balance in all things...

And as to 'balance' and getting 'stuck' 

I rather lost some of the first,  and achieved some temporary 'stuckness' on the steeper crumblier down climbs of this ridge a couple of weeks back.

Not having done such manouvres for over a year, combined with a largeish backpack, meant I lost my nerve for a few moments, here and there.

Its when the smaller rocks, supporting the larger rocks above, start to move, that 'catastrophising' brain kicks in.

Breathing, and remembering where your feet are, helps a lot.

Mine companion, was pretty patient, on the whole though.

Looking back of course, it's all a breeze, and worth it for the views, on a day like this.

Foinavon Ridge NW Scotland.

Writing about travelling .

Travelling through words.