
Friday, 26 August 2016

Trains of thought...

Leaving the farm can be hard to do... Not just the prep for being away (hasty packing as per, but at least the leggings were found)
But more pertinent perhaps; leaving the 'stead in reasonable shape...
But so long as fabulous farmsitter; isn't fretting: then all is well..
But the nomad; has to be balanced against the settler. (and the warrior; and all the other roles)...
And most of us need some new views from time to time..
Eurostar; and SNCF are a very civilised way to get to the Pyrenees... From UK  Lourdes first ( probably best us heathens don't linger too long) Then up and up; and down and down; and repeat for a couple of weeks...
Hoping for long views; a broader perspective; longish luncheons; a modicum lakeside yoga; high camps; and a smattering of inversions; along the GRs 10: 11 and a goodly portion of the HRP.
No fixed route in mind; save roughly (perhaps literally) eastwards from last years endpoint ... *

Will try (and probs fail spectacularly) not to indulge in too much tomfoolery...

Our Hero; can only be expected to take so much nonsense... Quite right too; this is serious stuff   ;)

*see  Nov 2015 for last year's fun (!?) in the sun, trip report...

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

It's a kind of magic...

These innocuous looking clusters of yellow eggs can transform themselves into very hungry caterpillars.
And they in turn can transmogrify a verdant grove of kale, into a fluttering cloud of white butterflies.

Back in the late spring, there was a dearth of cabbage whites. As a brassica grower this was a relief, but as someone who enjoys seeing the swallows swooping to catch this usually generous bounty of foodstuff; I was a tad concerned.

The butterflies usually turn up just before the swallows. Just in time for; (or to be) dinner...

Turns out I needn't have worried. The caterpillars and their parents, have been abundant for the past few weeks.
Leaving just enough toothsome greenery, for those humans keen on it too.

The swallows are particularly busy right now. Fattening themselves up for their own remarkable journeys, back down South; mainly to subsaharan Africa for the winter.

Doubtless I'll find some other wildlife related problem to fret about afore long...

Such as fencing the badgers off the fattening cobs of corn...

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Outstanding in their fields...

Until someone comes to visit.
There is something about the smell of horses, and they way they will rest their heavy heads on your shoulder..
The equines at this farm on Dartmoor hang out together in herds. It's the most natural; stress free way for horses to live. 

It almost seems tortuous to see one hoss alone in a paddock.
They are social animals, who look out for each other.
There may be a touch of hierarchical 'argy bargy' that goes on when establishing a pecking order. But once that's sorted,  then everyone is far more relaxed in their lives.

On visiting the home of these fragrant ladies, I heard some gladdening accounts.

For it was here that we held the first 'yoga and the horse rider' session back in the spring.

Apparently, the attendees were still practicing a lot of the ideas, and techniques they'd picked up on the day.

And they were finding much of it helped them feel more comfortable about themselves generally; both on and off their mounts..

A thought occurred today..
In conflab with another friend; after todays mid holiday all day yoga session closer to home... (Lovely new studio, almost on the doorstep)

Yoga ; done properly with heart; for body and mind

Is a bit like the butter; of the 'body work' world....

It goes with; and enhances deliciously,  just about anything you might choose to partner it with.

So long as you don't over do it, and turn it into a sacred cow.

All the big stuff...

Is made up of little things.

And simple satisfying pleasures; are often to be found in small matters.

I love the ancient occupation of hand broadcasting seed.

Here a mix of ryegrass; red clover; and crimson clover. To keep the goodness sealed in a half acre patch over winter.

Make one pass; casting back and forth with half the alloted seed from North to South.
Then repeat with the second batch in the other orientation.

Having first stormed through with the duckfoot cultivator to lift and crumble the clods.

Then fire up the modern tech again...
Yes; a 46 year old tractor is still very young, by some standards... And at any rate she's a willing workhorse; who is reasonably low maintenance.

So hitch up the Springtines and tickle in the seed before the birds find em.
Would have been ideal to roll it all in with a ring (or Cambridge) roller, to firm and consolidate.

Further excuses for implement shopping..... 

Although you can still find the odd one lurking unloved in hedgerows..

Thursday, 18 August 2016


On the basis of her homemade pesto alone.
Imogen would marry Beatrix; like a shot.

If; of course; she was 'on the market'...

Her words... My picture.

The pesto is extraordinarily good...

Just As well I'm not 'the marrying type'...

Or there could fisticuffs.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Words and moving pictures

Smaller farms; run with ecology; as well as profitabilty in mind. 
They seem to be a flavour of the moment...

Further investigative researchers ; only coming here now; seeking words and  pictures.

A piece of film I hope I never have to witness; or at least not without a few years intervening first, at any rate.

In accord with the far distance custard creator pictured here; I'm no big fan of having my photo taken; so the prospect of being filmed is even worse. 
A tad too late now methinks; to become part of the unselfconcious 'selfie ' generation.

But you soon forget the camera; and who can resist the probing of an interested interviewer?

And imagine being paid; to go on about stuff; that most people; would give generously for me to shut up about?

In truth, it was a bribe that got me into this situation in the first place.

"If you fill in this "Productivity on small farms*" Survey; and get it in by the deadline; I'll send you a fabulous new knife."

Well; I think we all; if we're honest; have our price. 
And it would appear I'm really quite easily persuaded; with promises of shiny new things.

So several months after having filled; and filed the document; (literally at the eleventh hour)  and subsequently forgotten all about it; a missive arrives.

Turns out this operation is actually doing rather well; in the numbers game; both in terms of productivity and profitibilty... The two don't always correlate; interestingly...

 "Can we come and find out how?"

"Other people may find it useful; and it will help promote the cause of smaller farms in general."

First reaction?

 "Arrgghh no thanks; way too self concious..."

But then; "Oh get over yourself; why not"

 It is nice if is someone is interested in what you do; and how you do it. 

And having to answer inquiries as to how it is all achieved; does concentrate the mind; on those issues.

I won't attempt anything like the full depth and range of topics covered and explored that resulted from over four hours of interrogation... 

Sounds formidable; but it was actually quite a lot of fun....

 Some of the key points arising; that contribute massively to prosperous productivity:  (prosperous that is for small farming, it is all relative, being a primary producer is unlikely to overburden one with riches at this scale)

The land itself makes an enormous difference; being early warming south facing sandy loam in one of the balmiest valleys (weatherwise) in the country.

 And this plot being owned; not rented, so that long term investment in windbreak planting, irrigation, and other such beneficial strategies make sense.
If you were renting on a short lease; how could you invest for the long term in infrastructure that might take years to repay?
It's not so much ownership in terms of property that's important; it's more about being able to think; and plan ahead; reasonably securely.

And that perennial favourite of the estate agents...

The location; within a community that has enough people interested in buying the produce of the land.
 Folks who see for themselves the value of nutritious and delicious food; and perhaps who even care enough about the environment in it's widest sense; to seek out a product that makes some tiny difference?

And that same community that values good food; but is also willing to lend support over such protracted; and energy sapping shenanigans; like obtaining planning permissions for barns; polytunnels; and onsite accommodation. All very necessary for the effective running of a mixed enterprise.

It's not some random chance that the majority of farmers and growers live on their land.

And even more vitally perhaps having enough good folks of the valley who will come and help produce the stuff too...

Mechanisation is a vital part of the production system here. It's not only that i enjoy charging back and forth on the tractor in the late afternoon sun. 
But machinery will never replace the human skill and effort required to bring forth the greatest bounty of each individual crop... For instance going back for multiple harvests from each plant, which wouldn't be possible with greater mechanisation, or a 'time is everything' approach.

Those industrious people should (in my book) be paid twice as much for what they do; but that's not quite how 'real food' in our culture is valued; yet.

Certainly not whilst 'property' in the form of bricks; enclosing not very fresh air; is so costly for most householders; whether they rent or buy. It sucks up most folks income before their thoughts even turn to the food on their plates.

Maybe; one day; things will change.... 
But whilst I'm dreaming of some faierietale land; where landworkers are valued properly........

 The fair maiden pictured here; is actually getting on with the job of settling module raised plantlets into the Serengeti like conditions...

And she might opine; if she wasn't just so very patient and accommodating.....

"All very well taking pretty pictures.... But spinach doesn't plant itself you know?"

In fact I think I may have slightly overdone the planting and weeding work myself over the last couple of months; as both elbows are grumbling to the point of tetchiness....

But no sooner that mentioned; than help is at hand again... It really is a case of knowing the right people...

A magical salve marked 'Soothe' (Yes it does) arrives. 
Containing wintergreen, and other wondrous unguents; it smells good and powerful.

And; from another source; some medicinal powderd Turmeric; used as an anti inflammatory tonic in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. 

One of those 'it can't do any harm' and may well do some good type remedies. Just stir a spoonful of it into your dinner. 

Or; (and I haven't tried this yet; but 'Girl any day I can get her' assures me it's most palatable) mix it with coconut oil; and black pepper; and spread it on toast...

Mmmmm Toast...

I did get back to it eventually. And the lower bed is now filled with the same amount of rainbow chard. Then all was given a good soaking via hosepipe; fed by borehole installed nearly ten years ago now.
The elbows really would have rebelled at carrying that many watering cans.

The patch above the spinach beet; meanwhile; awaits one final cultivation with the tractor; and spring tines..

Then it'll be hand broadcasting (sideways peasant style) a mixture of ryegrass, red, and scarlet clover, to hold fertility, and the soil itself over the Autumn and winter months.
When we might, one hopes, get some  much needed rain...
Light sandy soil will dash off down a slope at an alarming rate if its left uncovered in a downpour. And soil is ultimately where all proper food production; starts and ends.

Can I lay my hand on that knife? 
Well; things do get put in pockets; then taken off site by accident.
 But it's very similar to this one; minus the lion..

And this reminds me too of needing to dehydrating further greens; to take away. That is one downside of your body getting used to lots of good food.

 Working out how to port two weeks worth of it; if you're lucky enough to have fabulous farmsitter; who will look after things whilst one escapes from 'living the dream' 

'First world problems' indeed...

Three of my favourite things; a decent notebook, a pencil (they never let you down) and a well honed knife.... Lion optional; but a nice touch... Grrrrr!

* Some might question this relatively small patch being referred to as a Farm, rather than a 'smallholding'... Why does it matter...? Well much like the term 'peasant' used in this country; more often than not; as a term of diminishment..
instead of as a reference to someone; who knows how to produce useful stuff from landwork.

Small holding is often used as if to denote 'playing at it' ... 'hobby farming'.... Not to be taken with any degree of seriousness.   A "three wilted chickens, a lame sheep; and four gone to seed cabbages" type of operation.

Yes it's only words; but words can be powerful tools; and we might take note of how they are used... 

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

It's only words...

Small holding.
Large holding.

Small farm
Large farm


Self reliant, capable, productive, landworking person...

Friday, 12 August 2016

Genius is seldom recognised...

In its own lunchtime...

Camping is what you do on your holidays..

When you go on your holidays; you camp.

 Or leastways that's how it's nearly always been for me.

Growing up in the UK in the seventies; that was what you did; especially if you were lucky enough to be taken to remoter spots for a 'lark about'.

And rocky areas were often chosen to visit; because my pa was a passionate geologist; both professionally, and by amateur (in the proper sense, of the word) inclination. So if some study could be undertaken whilst en famille....

As was; the norm in those days. Most of the practical provisioning for these expeditions would have been undertaken by my mother.

And I'm sure some designs such as this wouldn't have looked out of place in our sturdy ; much patched "mustn't touch the sides when its wet" canvas 'A' frame.

Was it a nostalgia trip? I don't know...
But I got a little carried away with the internet shopping the other day...
It was one of those "dare I?" moments.

"What if its awful?"

Some might judge it is a touch outre; but then taste (or lack of) is merely a matter of opinion.

Despite strongly held views to the contrary in some quarters.

Anyhow; tis done now.

A glorious; in my view; purple paisley to make a lightweight camping quilt.
No more being forced to lie 'tidily' to be comfortable..
Yoga all night long if I choose.

The pattern; puts me in mind of some of the wallpaper that the youngsters from last century;  might have perused at length, to work out the repetitions. We certainly knew how to make our own fun; back in those days...

Although I don't think I'm the only person who believes that allowing children; to find their own ways to entertain themselves; or even; whisper it; 
to be allowed to be bored...

Does wonders for their imaginations.

Even the hens were somewhat startled....... 1.6 oz polyester ripstop... Larks aplenty.
Unlikely that anyone; will want to borrow it either.

I have my mother to thank; very much indeed; for generously sharing her sewing skills with me. Being a dress-making teacher by profession; didn't stop her  pursuing needlecraft for her own pleasure; and practicality also.

  Plus; she possessed the patience, to pass on the knowledge. Combining just that right balance of 'here's how; give it a go; it's not the end of the world if you make some mistakes; there's plenty more fabric where that came from'  with the technical know-how.

Like her; I have a stash of irresistible multi-coloured yards; that will be made into something one day; when inspiration; or necessity strikes. 
Sometimes years later; exactly the job comes up... The hoarde doesn't take up so much room really. 
It's keeping the moths out that's the harder part. They seem particularly prevalent and hungry in dampish Devon. Putting infested stuff in the freezer to kill the eggs, works a treat.

Ma'  knew how to step back and let you get on with it. Knowing from her own experience, I guess, just how unhelpful it can be, having someone hovering over your every move, or wincing as you make some fumbling attempts. And never was overly quick to point out the so called 'flaws'. She would probably; more generously; have called them 'character'. 

However this particular piece of 'technical' fabric (very slippery Ma you wouldn't like it) cost enough; to make me think carefully before launching in with the scissors. 

And the bespoke design is going to be very specific to my own particular needs. 
Which is surely the whole point of making something for oneself? 
The cost of ready made items; so rarely reflects the actual work that's gone into them; if costed at a proper hourly rate... Familiar themes?

 There was a time when I made nearly all of my own garments. But I haven't attempted anything beyond the most basic 'run ups' for many a year.
This might, if time allows, be ready for the Autumn cycling and camping touring trip*. 

It particularly being aimed; with it's synthetic insulation; at wetter climes; where carefully tending to feathery down, with it's hatred of damp, isn't so possible.

yet another job to add to the list of projects. But one to look forward to as a challenge, rather than a chore. There might be a few calls made to the 'exclusive advice line' too...... Taking full advantage of a lifetimes worth of experience...

* Those clever 'Merry Cans' I think it was, coined the slightly pithier 'bikepacking' to describe this activity. Although I'm not sure if I am in truth, quite gnarly enough; to fully qualify as one of their number...

Especially as I have been known; to resort; rather wimpishly; to more luxurious accommodation if available at the right price...

Particularly if conditions prevailing are very moist.

And a bit of 'awkward' silliness with mother in mind... She usually being of the opinion that life is far too important to be taken seriously.....           "Oh hello; sunshine!" 
Who could resist an aubergine with a ready made nose?  Not this yellow patty pan squash obviously. 


Girl Monday; most recently landed from her Stateside tour; whence she dispensed her wisdom to the breath baited acolytes re The Way of 'Fancy String'
That's her description of what she does... I think there may be a little more to it than that...

She does admit however; that she wasn't entirely sure why she went in the first place.  Apart from that 'they' asked her to visit; and were paying rather well; for the pleasure of her company..

Two perfectly solid  reasonable reasons for tripping off; in any ones book, . And I'm guessing it shifted a few more books too.
Anyway; apparently it was very lovely to be feted in Milwauke, and lauded in Colorado, and garlanded in....
Where else was it....?
I really am very bad; at cataloguing brainwise; all these details...
And ego has been thoroughly massaged thank you; by ardent followers of the craft; such pithy nuggets of 'string theory' were bestowed.
Whom amongst, doesn't?
If we're honest; mind a drop of positive regard; and acknowledgement of ones' abilities; from time to time..

But MG very grateful to be home now. Recognition given.
To get herself properly grubby in the veg patch again.
And the feathery fiends were equally receptive; to her liberating them onto their  pastures new.
I'd just moved their house that morning.

And naturally I'm more than happy to have her back upon this patch of terra firma.
It's a big world in some ways, but it's also a small one too.
We can only ever be; on this particular plot; upon which we perch.
Even if our dreams; schemes; or screens;  might transport us elsewhere occasionally.

And so much more done, and to do, but back to it now... Quick break from hoe ho hoeing whilst the sun shines...
Making the most of it;  while it lasts...
Seedling weeds  don't stand a chance in this glorious heat.
Perhaps a sunhat though; rather than the more glamorous shades as sported by GM...
It definitely helps to be able to see the crop one is tending...

Monday, 8 August 2016

Taken for granted ?

An interesting question, among many, arose at last weeks Agroecology; investigatory project.

The researchers wanted us to consider how nutrition, human or otherwise, affected our crop choices; and production methods.

And to be honest; most of us were initially flumoxed by the inquiry. 
We couldn't think of a cogent answer.
Did in fact nutrition; play any part in our management decision making?

Was it a relevant question?

What were these academic types driving at?

Had they got the wrong end of the stick; about what we do?

And then it gradually dawned on us. 

Nutrition; or optomising nutrition; through producing food in ways that would seem beneficial to 'health' in its widest sense was, and is our main driver.

But most of us have been doing it for so long that it had become a wordless motive.

That 'reason for doing' was so deeply embedded in what we all do; a taken for granted given that we had forgotten.

As someone put it...

"A fish is not aware of the water that it swims in"

It was good to be reminded.
Of why we do what we do; and why it might be valuable.

And; if the properly grown food tastes good, you want to eat more of it.
Which in turn builds health.

It isn't some 'sack cloth and ashes' self denying chore to eat tasy veg' or other food. It becomes an anticipated pleasure...

Maybe that "It's like Christmas every week" hyperbole from some customers isn't all flannel?

The surprise, and the variety, and the taste do all add up to fresh delights each time.

But of course that isn't how most food is produced. 

Not to criticise anyone else trying to make a living from farming however they do it.. It isn't easy, even taking the 'conventional' route.

One thing we also agreed on was not to 'bash' other farmers; and their methods. 
It's no help to anyone; to fall into the 'divide and rule' trap. 

  If the 'general' food 'merely-as-commodity' market will only bear, a very small price, hardly covering the costs of production, then who could be blamed for taking the most cost effective route? 

Especially if no one wants to undertake the 'lowly' task of harvesting it....

Here optimising nutrition for the Autumn Savoys...

Hoeing  a scattering of 'supadug'  into the top inch or so of tilth.
Killing off any seedling weeds germinating at the same time.
This might appear a lowly task to some.
But with slanting evening sunshine; enthusiastic birdsong; and the far distant thrum of a neighbour turrning their hay; this doesn't fall far short of that oft quite rightly lampooned 'bucolic blissfulness' vision of country life..

And doing a spot of thinking ahead also; in terms of personal nutrition to take on a bit of a wander through some more southerly hills. 
Will be drying approx half a hundred weight of kale, and same of flat parsley too...

They comprise very much welcome additions to the somewhat 'lifeless' but not wholly unappreciated; packeted rations.

But intend taking some of this too...

By chance (via connections really) a very hardworking young man; came to do a few days properly remunerated labour for me some weeks back. Mostly weeding if memory serves; it so often is....

His other Summer job is undertaking harvesting work for the Cornish Seaweed people on the Lizard Peninsula... Lovely.

Given that he is also a very keen surfer it puts him in exactly the right position.
Lucky fellow... Working at the beach.

This mix of wild harvested seaweeds is an ideal 'adds vitality to anything' tracklement to ensure all those micro nutrients get topped up whilst away from the fresh stuff for some days...

And equally vitally ; leastways in these parts; it weighs virtually nothing...   

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Life's a.....


Make of it; what you will...

Busy Kitty?

One of the great things about trailer trash living....

You don't have to work too hard to exceed folk's expectations....

I've deadheaded the pelargoniums..

So time for a nap on the porch now pusser?

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Celeriac Envy...

I have it...

I love visiting other people's veg growing enterprises..

To see what works for them; and look at other ways of doing things. I don't believe for one moment; that there is just one right; or wrong way; of making the magic happen in this business.

There are so many variables in terms of micro climate; soil types; pressure from pests or other limiting factors.

Then mix in the needs and demands of ones beloved customers; and which produce sells well in a particular area.

And not leastwise; the inclinations of the grower.
Being self employed in a less than lavishly renumerated occupation; has a few drawbacks.

So surely some leeway can be given; to operating in a way that 'feels right' and utilising methods that give personal satisfaction...?

Allowing for a sense of 'flow' even... 

I imagine a systems analyst: I think I know what they do now; after having interviewed one on a train trip ; might say. 

"Well this isnt such a profitable crop" 


"Why are you wasting time growing that particular oddity ?"...

Well; as I've opined many times before; personally I believe that in a business such as this 'variety' is, in itself a valuable crop.

Giving the ability to surprise people occasionally -

 "What on earth is this; what do I do with it?"

But now of course; thanks to the wonders of Internetland; there are a diminishing number of veg that baffle.

All the same; variety keeps things interesting; albeit challenging, on occasion for the grower.

These celeriac (grown by Cornelia... Lovely name; and person)  are twice the size of the ones to be found growing on the much Sandler drier soil here.

Celeriac; as it's flavour and name would imply; is related to celery. And that vegetables' native cousin prefers a damp 'mucky' almost marshy soil to thrive..

However the intense flavour of a 'little one' more than makes up for any lack of size..

But at the same time; I can't claim, to be unenvious of this luxuriant stand of toothsome nuggets; steadily gathering goodness; for wintertime delectation..

And I call "Liar" to any herbicide avoiding grower; who claims no tiny reassurance gained from viewing others 'weedy' areas...

Pot marigolds growing in the foreground to attract beneficial insects... I rarely get round to deliberately implementing this kind of companion planting myself...

One day I might do it again... If I ever manage to eliminate the 'simple flowered' residents such as mayweed; that pretty much perform the same job here; and most likely have years worth of seeds in 'the bank' already......

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Whooaaa!... Was someone listening in?

Perhaps this goes to show the power of the 'hive mind'?

Only yesterday at the 'hairy farmers' moot; many of us opined that it was a tad unrealistic to hope for much, in the way of legislative change at least, that would go in favour of the ecologically minded farmer or producer..

That maybe educated 'consumer led' change; was the best that we could work towards...
Great;  another ongoing job for us to do... Spreading a positive message.

But could there be a few other options for leverage? Pressure points? 'Hairline' cracks even?

 Could these be a route in higher up; to effect change..?

Most of us espousing 'another way' have been around long enough; to see a few false dawns; but who knows.... 

Maybe the drive to be  'Biggering and biggering' profits at the expense of all else; disregarding other creatures great and small; isn't going to be the norm for ever. 

Quite frankly how could it be?

Rational realists; see that we live on a fragile planet with finite resources. That we have to share 'nicely'...

How we chose to use; and distribute those resourses has to be a rational; real world decision. Consciously made... With everyone in mind.
 It's the hardest thing to do...


 If you do give up hope... 

Then all hope of real change is lost...

And tasty food; might fall off the menu for good.

In my opinion; that would be a disaster of the highest order..

Even if the flavour isn't everyones favourite. The astonishing hues of rainbow chard are an undeniable glory... I plan to make a frock of green satin; and embroider it with this particular silken pink; plus all the other colours available...

The time has come to get out the needle and thread again.. I'd forgotten, just how much satisfaction there is to be had from hand stitching... An eminently portable craft; especially on lightweight materials.. No power source needed, even achievable by torchlight, if necessary....

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Onward; it's the only way....

A very general, preliminary overview....

Of what 'small farms' need to take things forward:

More than just a few...
Enthusiastic cheerleaders...

At the same time; several pressing issues might be addressed with a  modicim of;

'Targeted moaning'...

And more specifically;

Let's look at employing some well thought out mechanisation.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Promise fulfilled....?

Ensconced in the trusty little grey Scarp 'home from home.
'Somewhere' in Somerset....
    ... Those them clouds look familiar though...
Apparently us solo lady campers mustn't give up our precise whereabouts; on social media for fear of....
What exactly...?
The 'Peg Police' turning up with their protractors to check the proper angles...?
Yes I see their point..
On account of the usual 'things and stuff' delaying me. it was properly dark by the time I got to this secret spot ; so doubly glad to have 'the one' (failsafe pitcher) to hand..
This particular tent, pretty much puts itself up ; you only have to glance at it sideways; and there it is all done; taut, perky, and merrily shedding the precipitation.....

Or even a forceful gale... But not tonight.
Cosiness abounds, in a weatherproof shelter; as the rain pounds down..
I'm sure I can hear the thirsty ground, and  greens about, giving thanks; as they absorb such welcome moisture..
And as far as I'm concerned  it can carry on raining merrily for the next two days;  even though I am residing under nylon...
The veg needs it desperately, irrigation just doesnt  have the same effect.
And I get to 'work' indoors for a change, but sitting down rather than my usual stand up (yogic) gigs..
Over the next two days 'We'
 (that's me and other persons loquacious, and variously learned, but as yet unspecified)
Are going to identify practical ways to facilitate more sustainable / agroecological food systems...
A marvellous idea in principal; and hopefully at some point taken up in practice.
 I am thoroughly in favour ; of such an undertaking...
To the point where I'm prepared to sacrifice two whole days of soil toil, to put towards such a good cause...
There had better be cake tho' and lots of tea. But, stout heart, it's a panel of farmers, so how could it be otherwise....?
Drinks all round... 

I'll bet the thirsty celeriac is lapping it up.
Then sleep creeps upon,  snug in my dry haven..
And hopeful for 'enlightenment' the morrow.