
Saturday, 8 February 2025

ORFC Session - Avoiding Burnout and Looking after our Mental Health.

The Story Museum in Oxford - where we held our session.

At the Oxford Real Farming Conference in early January 2025 three of us Rebecca Stevenson (Five Acre Community farm)  Ben Raskin (The Soil Association)  and myself Ruth Hancock (Fresh and Green Vegetables)  facilitated a workshop on ‘Avoiding Burnout and Looking After Your Mental Health’.

This was proposed as a session to the conference by Rebecca - It had in fact been scheduled in previous years, but had had to be cancelled twice due to ill health – a telling situation perhaps?


The session began with us introducing ourselves,  giving the rough parameters of the topic, and the purpose of the workshop. We then gave a brief over view of our own experiences around this subject.


We followed this by breaking into three groups of between ten and twelve people to discuss initially our experiences of burnout / overwhelm / illness / injury and other situations and feelings related to stressors we had encountered as we worked on our farming and growing projects.

The three workshop leaders captured in note form, what was said in the individual groups. 


After reconvening  mid way for a whole group debrief on our discussion, we then went back into our separate groups to look at some of the solutions and ways of helping ourselves and each other.


I have tried to capture from the notes that we made, some of the broad themes, but also specifics that came up.

In order to respect the anonymity of participants, some potentially identifying details or specifics have been omitted.


Notes from our first sessions on personal experiences of burnout / breakdown / overwhelm.

·         Participants reported on experiencing personal and relationship difficulties, feelings of being unable to give enough time to their loved ones, whilst also dealing with the complexities of running a land based enterprise with limited resources - of both time, and material needs.

·         Overwhelm was often experienced when trying to balance the physical work required on a holding, alongside administration tasks such as accounts and other essential form filling.

·         The lack of money earned – whether as an owner / manager or as a paid worker. Owner operators were not able to financially support themselves properly – often working for well below the minimum wage – and were only able to pay other workers the minimum wage – And even then often only on seasonal contracts, so there wasn’t a continuity of knowledge of systems, nor security of income for the workers. 

·         Work outside the holding was often undertaken to ‘prop up’ the finances of the growing project. This was sometimes seen as a positive way of maintaining a balance in life – but could also be another cause of overwhelm if it took up too much time and energy.

·         Some people reported ‘falling out of love’ with the work when they did it full time, and didn’t have enough time for other pursuits.

·         Difficulties had been experienced in dealing with landlords if the growing site was rented – insecure tenancies and uncertainty over resources such as water, and who was going to maintain or replace infrastructure such as polytunnels.

·         Difficulties in securing finance to purchase land and infrastructure if that was the preferred business model – proving to lenders that the business was viable. Dealing with the bureaucracy surrounding this was often outside the skillset of the farmer – but they couldn’t afford professional help.

·         If the land was already ‘in the family’ there could be intergenerational difficulties in getting change of use or system of growing ‘approved’ by the family.

·         Dealing with local planning departments to obtain permission for infrastructure and onsite dwelling

·         Compliance with systems such as organic certification, and other schemes involving defra. Livestock keeping often added to these issues.

·         Having extra helpers via voluntary schemes such as wwoof could be very positive – but had on occasion added to stress via having to deal with people who didn’t fit in well to the existing structure – accommodations were often made – but boundary setting was not always easy with people often living together as well and tensions could arise.

·         Working in isolation, in sparsely populated areas could lead to loneliness or boredom.

·         Being at the mercy of the weather / climate change and the uncertainty of what was to come in an increasingly unstable climate.

·         The realities of day-to-day physical work being often quite hard on the body – people running holdings that were already ‘under staffed’ didn’t feel able to take time off to recover or rest if they became ill or injured.

·         Some people had become injured or suffered illness either physical or mental to the point that they could no longer carry on working at that rate and had to go part time – or had had to quit altogether. 

      Uncertainty about the future - not having a pension plan, or savings and other resources if they had to quit the work – having accommodation ‘tied’ to the business.

 Feelings of being unable to complain about these difficulties as it felt like ‘letting the side down’ as we are mindful of trying to model and practice a different and ‘better’way.

·         ‘Bosses’ being unsympathetic to their workers needs, expecting too much – or else not giving enough responsibility and delegation.

·         Not enough of a skilled flexible workforce to be able to call on during busy periods of work.

·         Work only being seasonal for those who worked on other peoples holdings.

·         Breakdowns in communication between those ‘in charge’ and helpers or workers – not all farmers are great teachers or communicators.

·         Issues arising with neurodivergence and different ways of working and communicating.

·         Being on call 24 /7 leading to conflicts between child and elder care and maintaining the work of the holding. Sometimes this lead to a sexist ‘default’ where women were expected to step up for the majority of the caring roles – leading to a deskilling / loss of confidence in other fields

·         Not feeling as if it was acceptable to have, or want time off the farm.

·         A ‘culture’ of overwork often being seen as a badge of honour in farming and growing – rather than something that needs to be tackled – A fear that speaking up about this might be seen as ‘wimping out’ or evidence that we are not ‘tough enough’ for the job.

·         Striving for ‘Perfection’ on many fronts rather than accepting ‘Good Enough’ often brought on by comparisons with others – social media not always being very helpful in this respect.

·         The negative public perception of livestock keeping in some quarters – people feeling obliged to constantly defend themselves.

·         A lack of easily available training or help in certain aspects of the job eg machinery or administrative book-work tasks.

·         ‘Fitting in’ to a new rural community if people move to a new place could be difficult – tensions and suspicions between the ‘conventional’ agricultural community and those using a more agroecological approach. 

·         Being aware of, and corncern about global issues such as climate change, international injustices and conflicts leading to feelings of hopelessness in the individual “What’s the point of carrying on?”

·         Difficulties experienced explaining the complexities and importance of our work to the general public – Why farm revenues are generally so low - why we needmore support financially and in other ways. Some members of the public still thinking that all farmers and or growers are well off and or ‘living on subsidies.’



The above represents an overview of many, but not all of the issues that arose.

Some situations were too ‘personal’ to recount here – Whereas the complexity of other situations would require an essay all of their own.


Next, we will look at a selection of the ‘solutions’ that participants offered which they had used themselves or reported on for others.

At this point I think it would be positive to recount that at least one of the 30+ participants attended this session in order to help themselves avoid getting into the difficulties that others had experienced – more of this pre-emptive behaviour would be a good thing in itself!!.


·         So, we must first take time to acknowledge to ourselves that the pitfalls described above are potential hazards to be avoided or minimised if at all possible.

·         We need if we can to find people we trust to talk to openly about such matters. Anonymous ‘listening services’ could be available if friends or family are not appropriate.

·         Asking for help / input from outside agencies – there may be funding available to help with financing labour saving tools and infrastructure for example.

·         We should try to avoid the narrative that glorifies overwork, or that we should always be ‘on’ or always available.

·         Realising and understanding how we as individuals operate – there is no ‘One Size Fits All’ approach either in how we work personally ourselves, or around the structures that we work within.

·         We can drive ourselves ‘a little bit crazy’ – according to one participant - trying to maintain ‘purity’ on all fronts.

·         We are doing what we can, always ‘imperfectly’ in a much less than perfect food and farming system

·         It helps to establish firmer ‘boundaries’ between home and work life – especially if people work and live onsite.

·         But this is countered by the recognition that it can be more stressful / impossible to look after all elements of the operation if there is no one onsite – so we need to work out ways of getting things looked after if we are ill, or we need to take a break.

·         Getting involved in relevant groups such as Landworkers Alliance, Organic Growers Alliance, and any of the other sector-based organisations that support our work - finding people who 'get it'.

·         Making connections online and in real life – but always being aware that online social media accounts will tend to showcase the more positive aspects of their farming and growing life – so we must try not to compare too much.

·         It was suggested that men in particular don’t always find it so easy to share their difficulties and vulnerabilities so groups that meet this specific need could be established.

·         Working some ‘self-care’ into your weekly routine, participants cited sporting activities, chi gung, yoga and other forms of body work as having been helpful.

·         Keeping fit for ourselves – even if our job is physically demanding we might miss out on some aspects of maintaining our health, such as our aerobic fitness.

·         Writing down / journalling thoughts and feelings could be helpful to see what the actual issues are.

·         One participant said that visiting their local planetarium helped them put their life in perspective – those of us with the luxury of naturally dark skies could spent more time looking at the ‘real thing’ perhaps.

·         Carving out time for hobbies and interest outside of the farming and growing life – finding en-joyment in creativity, events, social groups etc which are unrelated to work.

·         Attending gatherings, farm walks, online seminars etc to skill up in areas of knowledge as necessary – but also for the social aspect of these events.

·         Asking for help more explicitly – people won’t know that you are struggling if you are always putting on a brave face.

·         Noticing mastery of, and taking pleasure in the tasks that make up our working day. Not always rushing on to the next thing on the list but taking a pause to appreciate a job well done (or done well enough !!)

·         From which flows not driving ourselves to ridiculously high standards.

·         Noticing basic needs – Are we thirsty? Hungry? Too hot? Too cold? Do we need to take a break.

·         Realising that ‘This too will pass’ – Being patient with ourselves.

·         Allowing ourselves to have time off – even if this feels ‘indulgent’ or is tricky to organise.  Having the courage to delegate jobs to someone who might ‘do it worse – but will most likely get it done’

·         Acknowledging – and preferably dealing with, past traumas and experiences that have led us to a place of being driven to over work and feeling the need to over perform in the first place.

·         Recognising neurodivergences, and accommodating or even celebrating these differences.

·         Some participants found help from consciousness or spiritual practice, and or observing rituals such as taking part in seasonal celebrations.

·         Listening to podcasts / radio at work to deal with boredom or feeling isolated.

·         Speaking more openly (when it feels safe to do so) about feeling underappreciated in terms of remuneration for work done / produce grown.

·         Identifying when it is time to pause – or even to quit altogether – realising you don’t have to carry on if it’s making you or those around you miserable and unwell, or if the enterprise cannot be made successful.

·         Perhaps changing our attitude to our work – not making it our whole identity / not holding it in our bodies and minds as such.

·         Looking at changing our work patterns if necessary for physical or mental health, job shares, going part time, working off the farm for a change of scene – and extra income.

·         Potentially changing the structure of the organisation to spread the load eg considering CSA’s and co operatives for example.

·         Engaging with outside services and resources specific to these sorts of issues – some references to these are given below.



Again, this is not an exhaustive list of the solutions that we came up with. There will be many more ways of working and being that can help address some of these issues.


Many thanks to the participants who joined us and who shared with us so openly their thoughts and experiences. Thanks also to ORFC for giving us the opportunity to run this session.


A couple of resources to which it would be great to add to …


Access to Work – especially around dealing with issues such as mental health neurodivergence


A guide to free mental heath resources


C.A.L.M (Campaign Against Living miserably) 

Th DPJ foundation provides listening services for farmersand growers who need an anonymous and supportive ear.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

A New Land Army..Revisited.

It's a while since I wrote this, in a spirit of hopefulness.

And that hope has by no means gone away, progress both political and practical has been made on many fronts.

There is certainly far greater recognition of the difficulties that farmers and growers face in bringing food to our plates.

From field to fork, so to speak.

We're not on quite this much of a slope btw..

The fact that the weather was pretty abysmal this spring is news to no one.
This really hampered us getting crops in, and those already growing overwinter were held back.. 
Or else dissolved all together. 🙁

On this little veg farm we were relatively lucky, a warmish climate, and south facing sandy loam.
But still the soil was cooler than usual, and battalions of enormous slugs munched their way through any fresh new growth.

I remember taking mesh covers off beds and thinking "I'm sure I planted lettuces here" and then wondering if I was mistaken as to where I'd put them.
It wasn't until I spied the chewed off nubs of what had been there that I realised that yes indeed. They were All Gone.

We usually plant an extra 20% or so extra crops, mindful of probable losses to the assorted wildlife, that of course we must regard as our brethren or earthly kin...When we're in appreciative enough mood .

 Entitled we understand to eat also themselves..
But it gets a tad tricky to feel all that fuzzy 'Farming in harmony with nature' when the critters have eaten everything ... 

Anyhow, looked at broadly the issues around food, sustainability, environmental concerns, and how do we get more people securely into this craft of producing good food, to feed people sufficiently and well haven't really changed.

If we do attract energetic switched on folk into this business, who see that there can be great satisfaction in feeding people well, how do we make it OK or even possible for them to stay?

The motivation to do this kind of work is unlikely to be entirely money driven. But boring old bills must be paid, living costs covered. Even nice times had, outside of the farming life, dare we suggest??

I've been asked to be part of a panel discussion later this year t the Organic growers Gathering on 'How do you keep going??" 

That's not the actual session title but it's something like.
 And yes it's a reasonable question - how do you?? 

When the first flush of adrenaline, the one that comes with setting up or taking on a business and somehow making it work has passed.

You're a little bit established, you may have had to go through some (or as in our case a lot) of planning battles to physically establish what you need to allow your productive enterprise endure.

You've spent no small amount of money, and done an unfathomable amount of work to get things going. 

Now how to make it live-able in the long term.??
Enjoyable even!? 

I've got quite a few ideas around this.
Not by any means a template for what others 'should' do. 
But certainly some hard won experience of things to think about, and options to try. 

Apologies to anyone hoping for another Pyrenean trip episode..I will get back to that -  but no great rush right?? 

An addition to the above as I'm shortly taking part in a session on 'burnout' - at Oxford Real Farming Conference.
Experiences of, and approaches to avoiding or recovering from . 

All this attaining and maintaining well being really seems to have become a theme over the last year or so. A combination of climactic economic and political challenges have driven many farmers and growers, even those of an 'agroecological' bent, to the edge, or over it.. 

There are so many aspects to the 'better' that we are striving for in our food and farming systems. Ecology, biodiversity, climate change, food quality and security, food and land justice, livable incomes, to name a few. 

 The likely reason that many of us got into these 'alternative' ways of doing things is because we were already people of conscience, active in making change in some way.

 Trouble is that even when we feel we're doing OK in one or two aspect of all of these important things to consider, it won't take us long to find some other angle that also needs improvement. 
So in addition we can beat ourselves up about, and strive on that front as well. 
 So there are rarely many feelings of 'Enoughness' or 'that will do'

 Which can so easily lead to burnout, overwhelm and even losing interest in trying to further change.
How do we navigate that tension?? Keep on our paths to (what we believe is) a better way, without finding it all too much, and wanting to quit?

 - Although it's also important to acknowledge that we are 'allowed' to stop if we really need or want to.
Unless you're the last heart surgeon in the country that can perform that life saving operation on a small child, you're not 'morally obliged' to keep doing a thing just because you started. 

Retiring with grace and dignity is also 'permitted' - And when we acknowledge that then it somehow makes it a lighter decision to keep going, if that's what we actively choose. 

It could be the case that even that tendency to vocalise what we feel are our shortcomings will by implication set the bar at a height that seems wholly unattainable to those around us. 
It can be off-putting to others to witness our being on an endless treadmill of 'could always do better' never 'enough'

Social media is one factor that has driven us towards this. 

We've gone from a time - when I was starting up - where we might have felt isolated in our slightly 'weird' hairy farming, to a time now when there are hundreds if not thousands of us. 

Which of course is great in many ways, in terms of movement building, it's a sign of success we're going in the right direction aren't we??
But then publicly we all tend to outwardly show our 'best sides' when we talk about improving this that or the other. 
Not that there's anything wrong with trying for better, but it can all start to feel rather competitive even. 

We need to keep in mind acknowledging how we are 'doing a bit better' in our various fields, rather than endlessly criticising ourselves - and by extension others (whether implicitly or explicitly) 

Otherwise we can end up exhausting ourselves totally and fruitlessly, whilst the industrialised food system juggernauts on past oblivious.

I've often talked before about how we can end up prostrating ourselves on the altar of 'organic growing' (or whatever our particular jam is) 
Ultimately that's not good for us or the long term viability of our enterprises and projects.

 Neither is it a 'good look' for anyone observing from the outside and considering coming into what might loosely be termed agroecology* or regenerative* food and farming. 

And of course there are all sorts of wranglings over the definitions of those* terms..Which is another rabbit hole frequently delved at conferences such as this.🐰🌱

From back in the summer at a gathering on the land - when we had a very useful - and quite surprising discussion around all of the above - Its interesting how many people who you think have got it all sorted out have had some really quite dark and difficult struggles along the way. 

Friday, 7 April 2023

Getting on with it...


A not inconsiderable bouldery down-climb brought us this photogenic spot, the meteo, lending some extra atmos .

We'd camped in this valley floor a couple of times before, but no dallying here this time.

Well not that much dallying

A delicious home made apple cake was on offer at the refuge, and we'd caught up with Estelle and Orelle, who were busy kit riffling, and planning on cashing extra refreshment from the refuge, whilst sunning themselves on the short turf.

An afternoon break seemed a reasonable proposition.


And a chance to admire the view without at the same time having to watch ones footing. 

A lot of this kind of hiking comprises close examination of where your next step lands rather than spending much time appreciating grand vistas.. 

Or at least it does if you're not as sure footed as some appear to be.

Tiny tiny patches of glacier hang on.
But for how much longer 😟

  And then of course those who have come down.. Must, in this terrain, go back up again. 

The path back up is a pretty civilised, wide switchback. The GR10 I think

Of course, some of our compadres felt it necessary to make it slightly more exciting by taking shortcut scrambles between the main path.

And then again some of us didn't.. 

We did go up to the top of the left hand peakon our first trip..

But maybe this time, we'll skirt just a little to the left, as the afternoon wears on, and thoughts turn to days end..

And potential sit down dinner 😊

More atmospheric posing at the col.

Ooo la !! 

I decide to give it a try also.

Not too bad but I do really need to watch that tendency towards excessive lordosis 

Ah ok, and now down again is it..??

But with the welcome prospect of stopping for the night..

The clouds are starting to look a little more intentional

The highly observant (shelter nerds) among you will have noticed that no, this isn't our tent.

But sturdy pitching advice on tricky ground from an old hand is often welcome, and kept  

Far too modest to call himself an 'expert' of course - that task is left to others.

We (the 'clan' almost by now) decided to treat ourselves to a meal in the refuge nearby, they had space for more diners, and we had space for big dinners.. 

At 2651m Baysellance is one of the, or even the highest staffed refuges in the range. 

Quite a feast.. And it looks like I might have said something - -- 🤔

Meanwhile outside, the clouds rolled in to play.

That night was a proper noisy storm.

And a full on downpour for several hours .

Most of our pitches drained ok, and shelters stood firm. 

Only one camper got unlucky, and woke up almost floating in her own personal Lac d'Estelle. 

Thankfully, the next night promised a campsite and a chance to clean and dry some items.

That morning the Canadians and continentals decided upon a skirmishes up Petit Vignemale..

But having been up before-
- and still.having a good few hours of walking in front of us.

We decided onwards..Yes ok, it was mostly downhill, but that's not exactly effortless in this terrain.. 

Towards town it gets a bit more uppy downy, through the meadows, and I believe the last descent towards Gavarnie found me tiring of hot rocks and downclimbs. 

Very poor form I know to get grumpy on ones holidays especially with the prospect of a cold beer not far off.. 

Gavarnie has a very picturesque riverside campsite just a little way up the river from the main town.
About which some folks can be a little rude, as it perhaps lacks the cachet of other mountain resorts.. 
But then some folks are a bit fussy imo.. 

The prospect of stopping for a couple of nights, cleaning oneself, and ones things was very welcome.
 Simple pleasures such as hot running water, and not having to get up early and pack everything up..
Highly luxurious . 

The next day was spent washing, eating resupplying and napping, and eating again -particularly lots of salad stuff. 
Greenery being a bit lacking in the 'hill diet' .

We loafed about, with even the elevation from the washroom to our pitch seeming like a fairly rigorous climb  
But Estelle, being Estelle decided that a day off must have a bit action in it, so went for a minor skirmish up the famous circque (de Gavarnie) and then, as if that wasn't enough up a nearby peak called Taillion - only 4000 m high 🙄
Upon return, one of my favourite deapan statements from her.

"The wind was so strong up there, I thought I might get blown off the ridge and die -- 

- but I didn't die " 

That was really most excellent news 😊

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Towards that vanishing point - Vers Vignemale on the HRP

 Movement onwards, is where many of us find our happiness, even if we're not trying to outrun our own selves.

Especially when travelling through splendours such as this...

Made more so, by that sweet repose, when our muscles and mind come together and chime 'thats enough movement for today, thanks.

So then rest in itself, that sheer absence of effort becomes a total luxury.

A soft enough surface to lie on, a warm enough.covering.

And a simple meal, substantial enough to keep a hungry belly from waking one up in the night.

Very basic needs met, become more than enough.

The morning had dawned fair, but promised storms.

But as the wise sign has it

 "If you wait for a good forecast, you might never leave the bistro" 

An early enough start saw us leaving Pombie and trundling far down into the valley, where a road crossed longditudanally and shepherds were moving their massed flocks to lower and lusher pastures.

Doing this transfer earlier in the season than usual, owing to the dearth of upland grass after a droughty summer.

They too predicted 'dreadful' storms, for that day. 

Dire forecasts seemed to be the standard habit of sheep-keepers hereabouts .

But what to do?

Hide out for hours in a roadside shack, just in case ?

Decided instead to adopt usual.'stoic mode' when it come to rain, and  keeping moving. climbing back up into the valley opposite.

Passing some snoozing hosses.

I don't think they were doing the classic lying down before the rain comes.

Just flaked out foals, watched over by their mommas.. 

Cows behaving 'properly' in the background.

And soon after, yes, the heavens did indeed open upon us

A good covering of hail did descend, much thunderousness and lightening occurred too. 

If caught out in a lightening storm you're not supposed to shelter under rocks, or in caves apparently, because of the way the lightning can spread across and curve around rock faces when struck..

So quite naturally we sheltered from the crashingly loud downpour under a large rock, and had an early lunch.. 

I mean, you would though, wouldn't you..??

OK, despite our persistent 'aliveness' up to date of publication, it might be best not to take storm survival tips from the likes of us 🙄

Darkness cleared away, and now looking back -- behind the cloud just above his head is where we'd camped that night

Then up and up, some more -

 I was looking forwards 'most cheerily' to taking the passage de Orteig, that we'd bottled on a previous trip.

It's only a channel of rock cut into a deathly vertiginous rock face, where you can confidently steady yourself with a chain strung along its length.

Child's play.

Although not recommended for when wet, or in potential thunderstorms..

Grasping electrified wet metal on an exposed rockface - really could amp up the 'fun factor' by several notches 🙄

Anyhow after a cooling dip here in the Lac l'Arrious (for him) near where we'd camped (again in a thunderstorm) on a previous trip, we set off stoutly to the start of the passage.

I could do it, for certain, even though the big step up on to the gnarlier part was a bit much for my already tired legs.

Which suddenly seemed to lose all strength.

The rock was still wet, and I could tell that my fairly apparent nerves about it were making his carefully gathered courage ebb away.

It's one thing managing your own fears when they're tested.

But his having to be 'brave' for two, would have spoiled it for him 

(the path much less travelled - by me at least 🙄) 
Just about visible across the shadowed rockface.

So I decided to go the longer way round..

Down a rocky path via a gently bovine filled valley and then up again, leaving him free to just 'do it' without thinking too much about it.

And what I really enjoyed so very much about this whole scenario?? 

Is that I didn't particularly mind at all 

Once upon a time I'd have given myself a hard time for not pushing myself 'outside my comfort zone' and would have been a bit cross at my 'bottling it'.

I mean maybe one day, on another day, I might go across, it's not even that hard. 

But at the same time it's also not 'unfinished business' I'm perfectly adequately happy, having not 'been there'.

That's such a nice feeling for a hitherto almost relentlessly 'goal orientated' person - 

It's rather lovely to now feel quite adequate already 🙏🏼

So our separate paths recrossed just before refuge de Arremoulit, where some of 'Team HRP' had booked themselves in for the night.

We instead found a bivouac spot amongst the rocks. Encountering a cheery Korean hiker doing same, he (Den) was doing a section of the HRP the 'other way' . 

A quiet night was enjoyed.

The now 'trusty' X-mid 

We sort of set off all together over a different pass.

The Canadians, and the French.

Looking back from whence we've come 

A previous trip had us clambering into a valley of rocks via the Port de Lavedan..

An almost vertical rock chute with a car sized boulder lodged in its maw.

This way however seemed rather civilised in comparison.

Opening onto a succession of scenic tableaux via Lac de Artouste

Even the Canadians obliged with their own 'scenic tableaux'..
Just about the correct amount of 'gnarl'🙄

Towards Embalse de Respomuso.

Near the refuge where an opportunistic hearty lunch was taken, as it was available, then on over the pass, across the scree, and down down down to refuge Wallon .

Quite a lot of this sort of terrain.

Geology Rocks, for sure.

I'm rather proud of my one single 'hill skill' which is taking an over the shoulder shot of my kite whilst she is aloft.. 

A very satisfactory and which did almost feel like a 'walk in the park' - a geological park even.

Refuge Wallon has been rebuilt.

And quite frankly it's a vast thing to come across, after previous modest stone shelters.

Architecturally, and ecologically impressive yes.

But also huuuge!! 

Its within half a days walk of a road, so has been constructed so to accommodate more people than are usually to be found in these hills.

Fair enough, I s'pose, can't expect to have the place entirely to ourselves I guess. .

We availed ourselves of a beer at the refuge shop, but bivouacked a little way off 

The morning we ascended though 'alpine meadow' scenes

Then having reached a 'significant' height we were 'captured' by a passer by.. 

Pink gaiters still hanging in there. 

And OK rather a lot of purple 💜💜💜

Further progress through scree slopes.

Then pausing for an early lunch stop.

The classic 'brew with a view' ..

Just a first peek of the slopes of (the 'iconic') Vignemale 

A not inconsiderable bouldery down-climb, the local meteo here lending some extra atmos .

We'd camped in this valley bottom before, but no dallying here this time. 

Well not very much dallying. 

Perhaps just a short break for refreshment ... 🍰